What is BULLET? BULLET v1.02, 15-Aug-92 (BLTQ12) If you've been wanting to create the ultimate database program, or just a simple mailing list to handle your holiday cards, BULLET is the programming library for you. BULLET is a library module for programmers developing in MS-DOS. What language you ask? Would you believe most any? That's right, BULLET is designed to operate as-is with most compilers* available for DOS (DOS 3.3 or above is required). This is possible because BULLET is written entirely in assembly langauge. Everything it needs it has built in, so no specific compiler run-time library is required. Your compiler simply needs to be able to: 1. Perform a far call to an external routine using the Pascal calling convention. 2. Build a parameter pack, as in a C struct or BASIC TYPE, for example. 3. Pass a single far pointer by value (of the parameter pack) to the external routine. 4. Accept a return integer value from the external routine (optional). BULLET uses high-speed b-tree indexes and the industry-standard DBF data file format to quickly and easily move data to and from disk. The BULLET API includes over 65 functions to perform tasks from low-level direct DOS file I/O to high-level transaction-based updates to network routines that let you control who has access to your files and when. National Language Support (NLS) is built into each key file. This allows you to properly sort mixed-case and/or foreign language alphabets. BULLET supports character keys up to 64 bytes as well as 16-/32-bit integer keys (signed or unsigned). Index files specify if duplicate keys are allowed or whether unique keys are to be enforced. And although dBASE DBF data file compatiblility is standard, you can create non-standard DBF files, such as having fields contain binary data. Key expressions are specified using text, as in kx = "SUBSTR(Fieldname,1,10)+Fieldname+SUBSTR(Fieldname,10,3)". Keys may be composed of up to 16 separate fields, located anywhere within the record. The transaction nature of BULLET greatly simplifies what is required of the programmer. For example, let's say you have a 100,000-record data file with 12 active index files and need to insert a new record. With BULLET, you simply build the data record and call the InsertXB routine. InsertXB adds the record to the data file, builds all 12 keys and inserts each into the appropriate index file. If an error occured, say, while inserting the 11th key, BULLET automatically backs-out all changes just made to the key files and data file. As another example, say, updating an exisiting data record, you'd make any modifications to the data record and call the UpdateXB routine. UpdateXB updates the record in the data file and automatically updates all 12 index files. If an error occured, say, with the 5th key, BULLET automatically backs-out all changes made to the key files and data file. In addition, transaction-based network routines are available. These high-level lock/unlock routines also automatically handle the necessary reloading and flushing of file headers. And what about performance? Read on. * BULLET has been tested and used successfully under QuickBASIC 4.5, BASIC 7.1 (w/QBX), Turbo C 2.0, and QuickC 2.50. BULLET is fast! The ReindexXB routine indexes your DBF data files in no time flat: that 100,000 record .DBF can be completely reindexed in under 30 seconds on a fast computer system. The InsertXB routine can add 1,000 new records and keys to that 100,000 record database at a rate of over 50 new inserts per second. This isn't inserting into an empty database, it's inserting into a database that's already 100,000 records large. UpdateXB can update 1,000 records in that database at a rate of 20 updates/second. And what about access speed? How fast can you get to your data once it's in the database? Real fast! To access from first key to last all 100,000 keys takes less than 25 seconds (4500+/sec). That shows how fast you can find keys. To access the keys and also access each data record associated with that key takes a bit longer. Accessing all 100,000 keys and records takes just over a minute (1400+/sec). This is in-order access. Incredible. And if you wanted to access from the last key to the first (reverse-order), the times are just as fast. What do you get with the BULLET package? - The BULLET library module, 19K of code and static data space (small indeed) - Sample programs in BASIC and C plus an interactive demo for browsing any DBF - QuickBASIC .bi include and C .h header files - Over 200K of documentation, source examples, and a tutorial, all online - CZ, the 15K online, context-sensitive, hyper-text help manager - Royalty-free use of BULLET in your programs Routines by category: SYSTEM: InitXB, ExitXB, AtExitXB, MemoryXB, BreakXB, BackupFileXB, StatHandleXB, GetExtErrorXB MID-LEVEL RECORD/KEY ACCESS: CreateDXB, OpenDXB, CloseDXB, StatDXB, ReadDHXB, FlushDHXB, CopyDHXB, ZapDHXB, CreateKXB, OpenKXB, CloseKXB, StatKXB, ReadKHXB, FlushKHXB, CopyKHXB, ZapKHXB, GetDescriptorXB, GetRecordXB, AddRecordXB, UpdateRecordXB, DeleteRecordXB, UndeleteRecordXB, PackRecordsXB, FirstKeyXB, EqualKeyXB, NextKeyXB, PrevKeyXB, LastKeyXB, StoreKeyXB, DeleteKeyXB, BuildKeyXB, CurrentKeyXB HIGH-LEVEL ACCESS: GetFirstXB, GetEqualXB, GetNextXB, GetPrevXB, GetLastXB, InsertXB, UpdateXB, ReindexXB NETWORK: LockXB, UnlockXB, LockKeyXB, UnlockKeyXB, LockDataXB, UnlockDataXB, DriveRemoteXB, FileRemoteXB, SetRetriesXB LOW-LEVEL DOS ACCESS: DeleteFileDOS, RenameFileDOS, CreateFileDOS, AccessFileDOS, OpenFileDOS, SeekFileDOS, ReadFileDOS, ExpandFileDOS, WriteFileDOS, CloseFileDOS, MakeDirDOS